Here's a set of pictures from the old port of Sompasaari. It took me a fair bit of time to get all of the pictures I took sorted out, mainly because last week had such a brilliant summer weather that I didn't feel like spending much time at the computer. Now the temperature has fallen below +20 C and it's semi-cloudy. Also, I always shoot in RAW, raw data produced by the camera, which allows editing with smaller loss of data/quality but also takes longer to go through the pictures as all have to be checked for necessary edits and saved in .jpg.
From the Dreamscape
4 years ago
Excellent shots Maria. I particularly like the interior pictures, and especially the one with the (coffee?) jug. Glad to see you are still shooting really interesting scenes from really interesting angles!
Thank you, Vally! It's really the occasion that gives the opportunity. There's not many places I've not been to in Helsinki, so a new place like this provide more targets than usual for the camera.
all of these are terrific Maria.
I especially like the broken glass, that one I like alot. I also love black and white, it gives a photo such different dimensions and perspective.
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