Sunday, March 15, 2009

Railway Station

Incidentally, thematically linked with the pictures in the earlier post - I don't mean loneliness but railway stations. Although: Vally got me thinking about the anonymity of railway stations, their transience which is caused by their being places of moving on: people rushing to trains and stepping off trains in order to continue wherever it is that they're going in the city; a railway station is never the final destination for anyone. Thus no faces in this tiny film (mind you, shot it before Vally got me thinking about this stuff.

Railway Station Anonymity from Maria Niku on Vimeo.

Snippets of words:

"Nice ..."
"... city day ..."
"It leaves in about half an hour, let's walk ..."
"If it'd been raining it wouldn't have been nice here."

(P.S. Is the sound of the video a little jumpy for you? I think there's something wrong with the Vimeo systems currently)


grace said...

Hi Maria, your video didn't come up for me. I ll try later.

True about Railways, it really isn't a lonely place at all?

E.L. Wisty said...

Hi Grace,

Seems the video service is having problems with their servers, lots of people saying the same. Hope they'll get it fixed.

Anne-Marie said...

It was all a bit jumpy for me, Maria, for both sound and video. I'll check back later and see if it got fixed. Neat idea.


Hans said...

This video seems to be constantly temoprarily unavailable to me :)

By the way Maria, have you seen this:

I nearly dropped my cup of coffee this morning when I ran into the news in one of the local newsletters that "Tommy" (translated to Finnish) will be shown in Helsinki in August!

E.L. Wisty said...

Well, it seems to fine for me not at least.

Oh, I managed to miss that info, Hans. Not sure I could handle a Finnish translation of Tommy, really. :-)

Vallypee said...

Hi Maria, the movie worked fine for me too. I like hearing the Finnish! So different from anything we are used to here. I also like the liveliness of the film..anonymous yes, but no sadness here. It's busy, bustling and vibrant!