And now, as the days grow steadily shorter, the first night mood of the Autumn. It's simple and kind of ordinary, but I like this one a lot.
From the Dreamscape
4 years ago
Yes, I could have been a judge but I never had the Latin, never had the Latin for the judging. I just never had sufficient of it to get through the rigorous judging exams. They're noted for their rigour. People came staggering out saying 'My God what a rigorous exam' - and so I became a miner instead. A coal miner. I managed to get through the mining exams - they're not very rigorous. They only ask you one question. They say 'Who are you?', and I got 75% for that.
So do I Maria. Very much. what time does it get dark there now?
About 9 pm or so.
oh your streets make me think of LA and I don't know why. Could be black and white television, memories of a scene from a movie.
gets dark earlier here, too, now.
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