Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November Asleep

Back to Helsinki, Finland for a little while. This was a couple of days ago. The snow and the blanket of clouds made everything appear almost monochrome. A desolate feeling but oddly beautiful at the same time. On days like this, you truly see the weariness of November. The sun might, just might, come out one of these days - but only if the temperature falls below -10 C I think. Under seven hours of daylight now: the sun rises at 8.40 and sets at 3.30 pm - and a month to go until winter solstice still.

Today I've spent indoors, nursing a mild cold - but I don't mind: nasty wind and snowdrift outside. I wonder if this winter will be the same as last year? I think there was still some snow left from last year at the city snow dumps when new snow started to fall this past week. This year, for once, I managed to get moderately priced flights for the Christmas visit to my parents. Mainly it's so I don't have to sit in the train for hours, but who knows, maybe it'll turn out to be wise otherwise: last year, what with the snow and cold, the state railways had terrible trouble!

I might just end up back in the north otherwise than just for Christmas, too: my old university is looking for applicants for a three-year research post in a field that fits my research like a glove, the study of cultural interaction. I have slightly mixed feelings about it because I love Helsinki so much, but I will definitely apply because I like my old university and more importantly it would be a tremendous opportunity, not to mention a merit for the CV. The money would allow me to get back to Helsinki on weekends and holidays, too. So fingers crossed.


Dale said...

Beautiful photos! They echo what we see here.
Last evening, as I was driving down the mountain from work, the eastern sky was a dusty pink, with the snow-laden trees silhouetted against it. Awe-inspiring, to say the least.
I hope that cold doesn't take hold and you get well soon.
Where do your parents live, Maria?
And great luck with the new job!
Will it be closer to home?

E.L. Wisty said...

Thanks for the good luck wishes Dale! My parents live 600 km up north. My old university, and therefore the job, is about 30 km from where they live. Though I must say I wouldn't necessarily call the job "closer to home" since I consider Helsinki my home!

Anne-Marie said...

Lovely shots you took there, Maria, I am not ready for snow; in fact, I am rarely ever ready for snow, to be honest. I want to wish you good luck with your application, and yes, I would love a winter like last year- the least snowy in long memory, with no snow before December and none after mid-February. A repeat would be lovely.


E.L. Wisty said...

Thank you for the wishes Anne-Marie! Personally, I have to admit I'm not much of a winter person and not at all a winter sports person, so I wouldn't mind the sort of winter that you had last year!

grace said...

fingers crossed Marie, fingers and toes ;).

November captured perfectly.

duncan said...

Thanks, Maria. Or after watching the last "Girl" movie, may I say "tak"?

There are great pictures - or is it one?. I like the way the small group of trees stands out from the others. They must have been planted. Their branches and placement almost give them personalities.

Fingers crossed!

E.L. Wisty said...

Different pictures but same trees! Quite ordinary trees I guess but somehow they caught my attention. Probably because of the different "dress" given by the snow?