Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rainy day moods

A proper downpour, with thunder right above, surprised me (and others) just as I was leaving the university library the other day. Rain or sunshine, I love the spring!

The spring has also encouraged me to get my bike out and put it to use. On most days, if it's not raining, I'm biking the 8 km or so to the university library. It feels fantastic, though my decision to start biking was also motivated by a concern of the tendency of extra "layers" to gravitate to my thighs and bottom. ;-) I naturally have a biking helmet - of the pot model, it's actually a skater helmet - because a person who is not concerned about safety in the traffic is a fool. Even if you are super careful and never make mistakes yourself, accidents can still happen because you can't control the behaviour of others.

1 comment:

Vallypee said...

Love these photos Maria. They look and feel every bit as wet as the weather clearly was (nice bit of alliteration there hehe). I like the hurrying feet too. Very evocative. Well done you for cycling..8kms is quite far! I cycle to work at the uni every day too, but it's only 3.5 kms. I use my bike everywhere in the city. It's just not worth driving and the trams are so slow. I love it too, and don't need the helmet as we have cycle paths everywhere, lucky us! I agree with you about traffic, though,