Monday, May 17, 2010

Time, where doth it go?

Do you ever get the feeling that days should be twice as long as they are? I don't mean only in the sense of too much work but in there being so many things you'd enjoy doing but there isn't time for all of them in a day? Right now, for instance, I would like to get photos edited but the warm days are tempting me to just go out and spend most of the day outside in the park reading. I shall of course do the latter, as the book I'm reading is wonderful - Doris Lessing's The Sweetest Dream - and it makes no sense to waste a brilliant day away by sitting indoors at the computer.

So, I indeed did make the sea journey to the city during the weekend. A warm, sunny summer day sitting on the roof of the boat, a refreshing yet warm sea breeze in my hair and on my face. Just wonderful. I have been to all of the places the boat passes (well, excepting the stretches of shore that are private property) but it's so very cool to see your home city from a different angle. Here are a few pictures.

And now it's off to the park with the book, not forgetting sunscreen and a bottle of water!



grace said...

I hope Maria, you are enjoying your day outdoors, sunning and reading, soaking in the air. When does the sun go down your way this time of year?
Not only looking at the waters, Sea or Ocean, rivers etc. it is just as, or even more wonderful being on them! Enjoyed your photos.

grace said...

oh yes, seems there are never enough hours in a day!!

Anne-Marie said...

Your photos look so much like a scene out of a Canadian travel book. So alike, our two countries.

Yes, some days are too short, especially the warm, sunny ones. Enjoy!


Vallypee said...

How lovely Maria! Your dilemma sounds quite idyllic at the moment. I too would love to spend these beautiful spring days outside. I regret so much that I have to spend them teaching to earn the money necessary to keep these floating money pits from sinking ;-)Even so, I'd not be without my floating home and your photos show just how justified I am in that choice. Enjoy your days and your books, Maria!