Sunday, October 19, 2008

Back to the nature

Taken on the way to my brother's yesterday, on some tall cliffs. They looked very inviting so I went ahead to climb them. Not exactly with as great agility as a mountain deer, but I enjoyed it. I'm somehow enchanted by visions of contrast between man-made and nature, although here the plastic chairs look quite tranquil and in harmony with their surrounding.

My sister came along. My brother had a public PhD defence and the attached evening celebrations to go to, so it was a house full of women - plus of course two little men, my nephews. My elder nephew, at 8, is of course quite a big boy now. Not being the one primarily responsible for him, it feels like the time has gone so fast, like it was only yesterday when I had the responsibility to look after him for the first time when his parents had a night out and I was immensely nervous that I'd do something wrong when changing his diaper. Had a great day. Was good to chat with my sister-in-law and spend time with the boys. My elder nephew exhibited tricks with his hip hop cap (throwing it up in the air with the aim of it landing on his head) and his skills on a computer game. Then there was some hardcore playing with Star Wars legos with my younger nephew (who is turning 4 in December). We also had a discussion (a short one, but still) about our favourite between-meals snacks. He said he is partial to waffle bisquits and white chocolate (milk chocolate with the cocoa removed), whereas I went for youghurt.

1 comment:

Vallypee said...

LOL Maria, it sounds as if you had as much intellectual stimulation as you could use for one day. Let me see. What's my favourite between meal snack. It has to be either digestive biscuits or a hunk of cheese!

As for the photo, the chair looks suitably at rest. Maybe that's how it felt after climbing the cliffs too, and didn't bother to get up again ;-)