Friday, October 31, 2008

Somewhere over the rainbow...

Certainly not the most usual phenomenon to see in Finland in late Autumn. It was barely over 10 C, VERY windy, rain showers. But the sun came out for a while, and at a perfect moment for me as I was on a bridge with a fabulous view. I was already on the bridge when it appeared, and it made me gasp in awe. This was a bit after 3 pm today. I sure wish I'd been a bit farther away as I couldn't get the entire rainbow to fit in the camera lens: it made a perfect arch over that group of buildings in the picture. Maybe a wideangle lens would've done the same (if I had one). I could of course have tried to take three pictures and then combine them in a panorama, but in my excitement I didn't remember that.

From the righthand end... the high point of the arch... the lefthand end.

Not the greatest of weathers but I had a fabulous time nevertheless: I walked all the way from my home in eastern Helsinki, along the shores, to the city center - some 9-10 kilometers. I felt almost euphoric when I got to the city, not only because of the rainbow but because the exercise felt so good. I didn't feel tired at all, but invigorated (still do). A long time since I last did this walk.


Vallypee said...

Wow, Maria, it's not often you get to see a perfect rainbow like this one, and even more unusual is to be able to capture it. Lovely images, and I love the contrast of the modern white tower block against the dramatic grey of the sky. Your walk sounds as if it was very invigorating!

grace said...

Beautiful Rainbows Maria. difficult to catch a good one...and you did!

take care, :)

E.L. Wisty said...

Hi Val,

It was truly the perfect spot where I happened to be. The rainbow was of course visible elsewhere in Helsinki too, but in most places obstructed by buildings.

Hi Grace,

Take care you as well! Thanks for popping in. :-)