Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I and I

Got me an iPhone yesterday! Can't say I actually NEED it as such. I mean, my phone WAS rubbish, switching off in the middle of typing a text message etc., but I COULD have gotten a good, basic phone. But well, I just couldn't resist. :-)

It's a ridiculously, obscenely fantastic gadget. Along with the normal phone and text functions, camera, ipod and net, it has among other things automatic satellite navigation and route planner, so you can, for instance, have it map out a walking route from destination A to destination B. Of course a huge amount of additional software available for install from Apple too. Really, with a gadget like this, the traditional phone functions are in a side role. :-) Surprisingly cheap too: I got one of those combination packages where the phone itself costs 1 euro upon purchase, and then the deal is for two years and you pay a monthly sum for the phone in addition to the service package fee. I saved in phoning costs since I'm not a big talker on the phone; got limitless data transfer for about 15 euro a month, and in entirety I pay about 50 euros per month.

As a result of getting the gadget, however, I had to give up and reinstall Windows XP, because there isn't support for iPhone in Linux. Funny thing that: Apple offers support for their biggest competitor Microsoft but not Linux which is not a competitor at all, being free. Well, money talks: Apple of course wants plenty of Windows users to buy their iPhones and iPods. I did have some other problems as well, because I couldn't get Wifi to work, and the external sound card refused to work with many things. Ubuntu is a fantastic OS, but it started to feel a bit troublesome to try to solve the various issues and browse the web endlessly for solutions. Was damn troublesome to restore XP, because the boot disk did not work until I completely wiped out the hard drive. As a compromise, I'm trying to use as few Microsoft programs and as much open source software as possible. :-)


Anne-Marie said...

My husband is madly in love with his iphone. The best part of it for me was ordering Neil Young tickets with it at the end of last August while we were driving down a Quebec highway on the way home from summer vacation. It is a marvelous gadget indeed. Have fun with it.


Vallypee said...

I don't have one, Maria, but I've seen plenty and they are rather appealing to say the least. I got a free smartphone with my last phone contract and although not quite as sophisticated as an iphone it's pretty amazing too. I'm sure you'll find yourself addicted to it before long ;-)

Koos F said...

This is not only about the iPhone. It is very much about lovely Maria as well.
And happy Marias are the loveliest of them all.

boogaloo dude said...

Congrats. I feel your joy. I had one for a while and I loved it (except for the telephone feature). When it was stolen I was very disappointed. I especially loved the NY Times, IQ Boost, and Recorder applications.But, my decision NOT to replace it was right for me. I'm more in the here and now without it. It was distracting me from the real world.