Saturday, February 28, 2009

You twit

No, I'm not calling names, just wondering about the new web solutions they come up with. The latest I noticed is something called Twitter ( It seems to be a cross between SMS and blogs, and the idea is to post max 140 character "tweets", updates of what you're doing at that very moment. Kind of like the status update thing of Facebook I guess, but independent. Thus designed for smart phones. There is also "twitpic" for posting photos (taken with the smart phones). People can then post comments on the "tweets". I learned about this when I made my way to Stephen Fry's website (I am an admirer of his work). He seems to be on Twitter and eagerly posts updates, whether going to see a performance or out swimming with the sea lions in New Zealand.

It's kind of fun to follow as Mr. Fry clearly gets around. But I do wonder: would I want to broadcast what I'm doing at all moments of the day? Especially since most things most people do during their day are quite ordinary. Things like going to the grocery store to buy some groceries. Not very interesting eh? I think I'll stick to the ol' blog. To each their own I guess. Some people do like it public it seems, as you can see in this picture:

Found in the windows of a metro station. It's a suggestion, translated: "My place?"

Of course, it's best to never say never about a thing like Twitter. Maybe in the next concert or other event I'll go to I find myself I find myself busily twittering!

And now, status update (more than 140 characters): I think I'm off to do some photography. Gives me a bit of fresh air and energy for work too, apart from the enjoyment of creating something. I'm trying to get the draft of the article about done this weekend, so have things to do (though thankfully there's not a huge amount of it left). It has to be sent off by 1st of April, so there needs to be enough time for the fine-editing and getting it proof-read.


Anne-Marie said...

My husband loves Twitter, but I am of the old geezer generation who just shrugs and doesn't quite get it. He spent most of last October's Who concert twittering with his friends about the setlist, which amusingly enough had one guy putting on Tommy at his place because it made him nostalgic. In all fairness to my housegeek, I did drag him along and he is rather neutral-slightly positive towards Pete and Roger. I, on the other hand, would rather enjoy the moment and tell someone about it later.

He also twittering quite heavily the night of the US election and during all the presidential and vice presidential debates. It was quite amusing to react simultaneously to comments with his friends across the US.

Not me for, though. I can't even focus on my own scene most of the time without having to report as it happens.


Vallypee said...

Hi Maria, I tweet a bit..not as regularly as most though. I'm not really gadget obsessed enough to do it well; nor Facebook either, although I like to keep up with my nieces there, and old college friends. Like you, my blog is still my favourite online place, as are all the people I know from my blog, of course, and that includes you!

grace said...

I have heard of the twitter, tweets etc. things. I think I shall stick with blog too , I like it here just fine. Glad to see you are staying. :)