Sunday, February 01, 2009

Snow is VERY white

Have you noticed? Well, it's occasionally a bit blue as well. 

The clouds FINALLY parted so of course I didn't want to let it go to waste. Also cold, -10 C (cold is about the only time at this time of winter that the sun comes out here, otherwise it's cloudy), but I didn't mind. Now that there's a lot of snow it really is magical, the whiteness and the sun. The sun still sets about 4 pm, and after that it's freezing. But when the sun is up, I actually love winter.

Nothing particularly remarkable going on, only that I have developed a medium-sized obsession about Steve Coogan's comedy. Alan Partridge of course, but I also like the lovely Pauline Calf a great deal. I tend to get these "phases" about English comedy. The last time it happened was when I started listening to the Goon Show. Then I just HAD to watch all of Peter Sellers' films.


grace said...

how do you do it? 4pm. so early. I am happy the days of light here are extending to about 6pm.
Sun and snow. A beautiful combo.
I am unfamiliar with the comedy you speak of. well except Peter Sellers of course, you know a fellow virgo, sept 8th. That is why he is so brilliant!! :)

Lucy said...

So -10C is about 14F, right?

I agree with you about snow, Maria. I love snow and actually love winter .. until about March or April when I start to tire of it.

Really the only thing I hate about snow is how messy it makes the inside of your car.

One of the things I LOVE about snow is its forensic properties: how you can always tell who's been through. (a small animal, a neighbor... a suspect? LOL)

I also love how quiet winter is. As opposed to hot summer nights when troublemakers are out on the street, etc.

E.L. Wisty said...

Hi Grace

I guess it's worth it because it makes the summer all the more special! Though the early darkness does make things a bit depressing occasionally I must admit.

E.L. Wisty said...

Hi Lucy,

That's a good point about how quiet winter is. It's the cold that keeps the noisemakers in, but it really feels like it's the snow - as if the soft white blanket of snow makes everything quiet. Especially it feels like that when it snows. I love the sort of calm snow fall of big snow flakes.

Vallypee said...

Hi Maria, a perfect combination: sun, snow and sets of footprints! Beautiful images with a tranquillity about them. Like Grace, I can't imagine it already being dark at 4pm. The days are getting longer noticeably now and it's light by 7.45 in the morning and still light until nearly 6 in the afternoon. Roll on the summer! It's still very cold here now, though. The wind is really biting.